Bonanza grade epithermal veins recently released for exploration

The Firenze project consists of 90 claims located 170 kilometres east of Reno, Nevada. The property was released from a Wilderness Study Area in December 2022 by an act of Congress after more than 40 years in that designation and is now located on BLM ground with no conservation designations.
Firenze contains a system of up to 1.5-metre-wide precious metal-rich epithermal veins outcropping over 1.5 square kilometres. Veins are hosted in the rhyolitic tuff of Elevenmile Canyon. At surface, these veins display classic epithermal textures with banded quartz and adularia returning up to 9.3 g/t gold and 1250 g/t silver. Dump samples from limited artisanal production in the 1860s returned values of up to 44.0 g/t gold and 534 g/t silver, 22.5 g/t gold and 1825 g/t silver, and 17.7 g/t Au and 97.8 g/t silver.
Precious metal grades and argillic alteration are open to the east beneath shallow, post-mineral alluvium. This covered area hosts a structurally complex fault accommodation zone that may be the focal center of the epithermal system. The high-grade Sleeper deposit in Nevada, discovered in the 1980’s, was also hosted by faults under shallow alluvial cover next to alteration and mineralization exposed in the adjacent hills (Slumbering Hills). The Sleeper deposit produced nearly 1.7 Moz of gold from 1986 to 1996 from bonanza-grade veins and surrounding stockworks.